Cities of Italy

The best beaches of Naples and the surrounding area

At first glance, Naples strongly favors beach holidays: the length of the coastline framing the bay of Naples in the city reaches 20 km. But do not forget that this is also one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean. Due to port emissions, bathing in many places is forbidden, and where the beaches are nevertheless cluttered between sea moorings, it is usually crowded and not very clean.

Gallipoli island

Gallipoli (Gallipoli) - a small island in the Ionian Sea (mar Ionio), part of the administrative region of Puglia (Puglia). The island is connected to the mainland by a bridge, so the name of the peninsula is sometimes found. This is a favorite vacation spot for Italians coming to Gallipoli in August. The history of Gallipoli, as myths say, was founded by the Greek hero Idomeni, for a long time it was part of Ancient Greece (Grecia Antica).
Italian food

Italian dishes that are not Italian

The whole truth about Spaghetti Bolognese, Fettuccine Alfredo and other non-Italian dishes, which are traditionally considered the works of Italian chefs around the world. And beware of chicken ... Well-known fact: Italy has the best food in the world. We are not talking about professional chefs of other nations or about furious supporters of other types of cuisine.

Manarola - Ancient and Fabulous Italy

Manarola is the oldest of the five small cities of the Cinque Terre National Park, which also includes the cities of Riomaggiore, Vernazza, Corniglia and Monterosso. The bright, colorful buildings of Manarola attract the attention of tourists, and between the modern buildings on the streets of the city, ancient architectural structures, whose age has been more than five hundred years old, have been preserved.
Cities of Italy

Academy Gallery in Florence: collection, tickets, opening hours

It is believed that in Florence is about a third of all the cultural values ​​of Italy. However, if this city of the famous Academy of Fine Arts and a museum such as the Gallery of the Academy had not been in this city, many priceless treasures of world culture would have been lost forever. Or simply not created. The Academy Gallery in Florence is not just a museum where priceless canvases of Florentine masters and the original “David” by Michelangelo are stored.
Cities of Italy

How to get from Milan to Florence and from Florence to Milan

Milan is one of the largest air hubs in Southern Europe: three of its airports annually serve nearly 40 million passengers. Therefore, it is not surprising that for many travelers, acquaintance with Italy begins precisely with Milan. BlogoItaliano already wrote about what to see in the city itself here. But, nevertheless, for most tourists coming to Italy, Milan is only an intermediate stop.

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Cities of Italy

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The success story of the Italian restaurant Sailinn | 2019
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Caesar's Death, Before and After - Issue 9

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Carla Bruni

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Best Restaurant in Sicily: Trattoria Antonella

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How and where to shop in Milan?

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Cities of Italy

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How to get there

How to get from Milan to Pisa

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